Welcome to Clif Family Foundation

Welcome to the Clif Family Foundation, an organization we started in 2006 to support grassroots groups led by people with vision and commitment. We believe that much of our nation's needed innovation will spring from grassroots organizations' daily efforts in local communities. The foundation has been proud to support hundreds of nonprofits that are working tirelessly to transform our food system, revitalize the environment, and enhance community health. Now that we’re grandparents, the urgency to build a healthy, just, and ecologically thriving world is even more personal. We look forward to expanding the reach and impact of the foundation in the years to come. This means working with nonprofits that prioritize people-centered solutions and address urgent gaps and historically underfunded priorities. We believe we can all do more good in the world. Together. 

Gary Erickson & Kit Crawford
Founder and Co-creators of Clif Bar & Company



Clif Family Foundation celebrates 15 years of transformative giving.


The foundation awarded its first grants beyond the U.S. in Canada to nonprofits that promote ecological agriculture as a dynamic response to climate change.


In celebration of the foundation’s 10-year anniversary, we reflected on our original mission and found grassroots groups, innovative leaders, and general unrestricted grants more essential than ever.


The foundation administered its first Program-Related Investment, becoming a founding investor in the Bard MBA in Sustainability, which treats environmental and social challenges as problems that can be solved, profitably, with business tools.


Our first special initiative, Seed Matters, improves and protects seed (the critical first link in our food chain) through grants, and the first-ever U.S. grad student fellowships for organic plant breeding at land grant universities.


We expanded our vision and capacity for positive change by founding Clif Family Foundation, funded entirely by Clif Bar & Company, and we stay 100% engaged by serving as the foundation’s directors. 


A $120 MILLION buy-out offer tested our resolve, but we chose to stay private and build a different kind of business accountable to 5 bottom lines (our people, planet, community, business and brand) and committed to growing the good.


CLIF BAR & COMPANY was born out of Gary’s passion for good food, cycling, and the unconventional idea that you could have both at the same time. It took years of inspiration and summiting obstacles to grow the company.